Chiropractic Care For Earaches In Children


had extreme back pain, to the point I was not able to breathe. I had tried everything, medical doctors, acupuncture, muscle relaxers, nothing worked. At this point, I figured “The Chiropractor” cannot make the pain any worse, so I might as well give it a shot.

Along with the back pain, I also experienced frequent headaches, an abnormal monthly cycle and constant knee pain. Dr. has made my back pain nonexistent. My headaches are now infrequent. My cycle is now normal, and we are working on my knee

Severe Vomiting Cured

“I started seeing Dr. I was in the midst of my third bout of severe vomiting. I would get a weird taste in my mouth which would cause me to gag and then vomit. This would get progressively worse until I was vomiting more than 100 times per day requiring hospitalization. Along with these episodes I would occasionally experience seizures.

Awful Headaches

“Before coming to Dr. I had such awful headaches and tension in my back and neck that it made me sick and couldn’t move very well. It made me very irritable and I didn’t sleep well.

Very Nice and Helpful

“Shari was very nice and helpful and greeted me with a smile. Dr. G and Dr. W were amazing at explaining everything on my first visit. They were very thorough with my examination, measuring my range of motion, taking x-rays, and checking for “hot spots” on my skin where my spine was out of alignment. I came into the office in pain and they were able to address those areas same day.

What to Look for When Choosing a Chiropractor

Question: What should I look for when choosing a chiropractor?

Answer: Choosing a chiropractor may, at first, seem bewildering. But the task can be simplified by using a series of steps to narrow down the candidates.

Try to get a referral. Friends, neighbors, family, and especially your primary medical doctor may recommend a chiropractor.

Check if any of the recommended chiropractors are covered by your insurance plan. If you receive a strong recommendation for someone not on that list, you might consider out of network benefits or even private payment.

Do a quality check for credentials by accessing your state licensing board’s website to confirm qualifications and any possible disciplinary action.

Research the condition(s) for which you are seeking treatment. There are any number of credible websites and library resources offering information on conditions like back pain, sciatica, herniated discs, and other musculoskeletal conditions commonly treated by chiropractors.

Visit the practice website. Many chiropractors have websites, and these can be informative. Are they patient-oriented? Are they consistent with the scientific evidence you have learned about your condition?

Don’t pay a lot of attention to marketing tools, such as testimonials. Look instead to confirm that the doctor:

Treats musculoskeletal conditions only

Requires x-rays only when medically necessary

Does not emphasize proprietary supplement sales

Does not encourage long treatment regimens or excessive visits

Does not make scientifically unsupported claims about the value of wellness adjustments or preventive care

Here are some tips to look for in your initial and subsequent encounters with the chiropractor:

Does your chiropractor give sufficient time to you the first visit and on every subsequent visit?

Does he or she appear eager to help you get better as quickly as possible and to empower you to take care of yourself in the future?

Do you feel comfortable with your new chiropractor?

Are you getting better as a result of the treatments and not just the mere passage of time? (When effective treatment is given, most patients will see a significant improvement within the first several weeks of care, and sometimes even sooner.)

Is treatment physically comfortable? (Occasionally there may be some minor treatment soreness or even increase in symptoms after a treatment. This should not last more than a day or so, and improvement should be obvious with further care. If this happens, be sure to let your chiropractor know.)

The following may be warning signs:

Unnecessary repeat x-ray studies

Months of endless care without re-examination

No improvement or even worsening does not result in reexamation or referral elsewhere

Pre-sold treatment “packages”

Pressure to sign up for or attend maintenance or preventive care programs.

Chiropractic Blog Topics To Realign Your Marketing

Does your marketing strategy suffer from subluxations? It might be time give your chiropractic blog topics an adjustment.

The first time I went to a chiropractor, I was pretty nervous. I didn’t know what to expect and thanks to the movies, I was reasonably sure there was a fine line between a cervical spinal adjustment and getting a broken neck. My saving grace was that I knew a few chiropractors. Unfortunately, they weren’t local to me, so I took a chance on the first person listed in the phone book.

Back to the story in a second, but if you’re looking for chiropractic blog topics for your business, there are at least three in that first paragraph. For instance, over 8,000 people every month search Google for “What does a chiropractor do?” So it seems that a lot of people aren’t too sure what to expect when they visit a chiropractor

When I left that first appointment, I had a much better idea of what a chiropractic visit was like. Since then, I’ve also learned that there are some vastly different approaches to chiropractic treatments. Now I’m happy to say that I have a chiropractor I adore, and although I don’t make appointments with her as often as I’d like, I look forward to them with a lot of excitement.

Looking back, I realize that those early appointments didn’t need to be such a mystery. Had that first chiropractor had a blog on the business website, I could have avoided a lot of the anxiety going into the appointments. And while I could benefit as a patient, a good website blog can also offer business benefits.

A blog is an easy way to communicate with patients who, in many cases, you haven’t met yet. You might not even know they exist. A blog is an introduction to your work, your values, and your treatments. Through a blog, you offer your patients something of value – pain relief ideas, healthy lifestyle tips, or answers to questions. The best blogs can attract new patients while they also work to keep your current and even past patients in your circle of care.

Things You Can Do To Maintain Spine and Joint Health

Why is Spine and Joint Health Important?

Your skeleton provides the support your body needs to function. joints allow us to move easily – sit, dance, run and walk – our spine keeps us upright. It might sound a little obvious but without them, we’d be totally lost.

Exercise Regularly

cannot really underestimate the power of regular exercise when it comes to full body and mind health. It’s also particularly good for the spine and joints.

Eat Properly

Second to exercise, having a healthy, balanced diet is the next thing that our Tunbridge Wells chiropractic team suggest. What we put in our bodies is essential. Swap those processed and sugary foods for healthier options and you’ll soon begin to feel the benefits.

Stay Hydrated

are bombarded with information online that we should be drinking 8 glasses of water every day. The truth is that most of us get the hydration we need through our daily drink and food (and yes tea and coffee are counted)

Sleep Better

Sleep can be a challenge and it has a big impact on our lives. A bad night’s sleep can leave us feeling tired and lacking energy and focus. It can also affect our mental health. The key to a good night’s sleep is a great mattress. It’s also good for keeping your spine in good alignment and protecting your joint health. Avoid drinking alcohol before you go to bed and get into some good night time habits.

Things Practicing Chiropractic Physicians Would Have Done Differently in School

While this may be applied to many areas of life, if you are considering a medical career or are currently a medical student, learning what professionals already working in the field would do differently may not just save you time, but also valuable financial resources.

My Advice for Future Chiropractic Students

Just over one year removed from graduation I feel like I am a competent practitioner. But being simply competent isn’t my goal —being the best that I can be is. Thinking back, I realize now there were a handful of things that I could have done in school which would have made me better off in the working world. On occasion, sometimes when I’m working on a particularly difficult patient, I reflect on my undergraduate and graduate school careers and think, “If I could redo it, I would.…” I’m sure this is common amongst professionals. We all have things in our lives we wish we could change, that’s just part of living. What if we didn’t make those mistakes in the first place? We can’t change it, but I realized that others can learn from our mistakes.

Take more advantage of the sports club

This one is my biggest regret. My school had and still has a really good sports club. The club is connected with great sports chiropractors in the area and they participate in a wide range of sporting events. While I went to some of these events, I did miss out on most of them. When I went to the events, I usually learned a lot and they were fun, but they were on weekends. To be a sports chiropractor or a chiropractor in general, you need to be able to think on your feet. This is not something that I had very much practice with. You aren’t really exposed to fast-paced situations until clinic, and even there it isn’t the same as working in the real world. Looking back, the sporting events that I went to were the closest thing to the real world. You had to be ready to act quickly when it was time.  If I could redo my schooling I would make sure that I hit as many of these events as possible. There is no doubt that I would be a better clinician today if I had gone to more of those events.

Invest in continuing education classes

“If only I had the money, I would take that class.” Are you familiar with that line? It is one that I heard fairly often in chiropractic school. I get it, you already have loads of debt and don’t know what you are going to do. The thing is, an extra few thousand in loans are not going to be the straw that breaks the camel’s back

Master differential diagnoses

This is spot on and great advice. When you are in the real world, some really scary stuff will walk into your office. It is not every day, but you need to know when you have to send a patient out.