Mold Inspection In Basements


What is mold? And why is it a problem?

Mold is a specific sub-group, or phylum, of the fungus kingdom. Mold breaks down dead matter, mostly cellulose like trees, leaves and such. Mold spreads by producing spores. The spores float on air currents and settle onto surfaces throughout a home. If conditions are right, mold can begin to grow and produce more spores. The right conditions include a food source, which for mold can be almost anything, and moisture. Mold must have a source of moisture to grow and reproduce, but it doesn’t take much moisture to get them growing. Even an elevated humidity level, such as in a basement or closet, can be enough. Controlling moisture is the key to controlling mold growth.

There are an estimated 300,000 mold species, most of which have not been studied or even named. Of those studied, a relatively small percentage are known to be allergenic, some are pathogenic and even fewer are known to be toxigenic. Mold spores are ubiquitous – they’re everywhere. How a person will react to any specific mold depends on how that person’s immune system reacts to the mold spores in the air. It also depends a lot on the type of mold and the level of exposure. Different people react differently to different molds, so a “safe” level of exposure to mold can never be set.  Allergenic molds can elicit allergic reactions, a lot like pollen. For sensitive people, the reactions can be more serious. Toxigenic molds can do lasting damage to our bodies, including causing internal organ damage and even cancer. People with compromised immune systems are at particular risk for complications caused by mold.

How do I know if I have a mold problem?

If your home has water leaks that have gone on awhile, or has a wet or damp basement, you may have an issue with mold. If that dank, musty odor characteristic of basements is persistent, you probably have mold growing somewhere near the odor. Many molds give off volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), essentially gasses, that are responsible for that odor. As with mold spores, some of these gasses can cause adverse health effects if the exposure level is high enough. If you develop symptoms like headaches, sore throat, itchy eyes, runny nose, and so on when you’re home but not when you’re away, this can be a strong indicator that mold spore or VOC levels in your home are high.

Of course, having a professional mold specialist perform a Mold Assessment and take air samples throughout your home is the best way to determine if you have a mold concern. Through an assessment, sampling of the air and sampling any visible mold growth, the severity of the concern can be determined. The specific genus of molds found in the samples is usually identified, which can help determine if any indoor mold is of a type considered toxigenic. But again, it’s a matter of how your immune system is reacting to the mold spores and any VOCs present.

How do I get rid of mold?

Mold spores are everywhere; they’re microscopic and travel very well on air currents. There’s simply no way to make a home completely free of mold spores. The best we can do is make sure the indoor mold spore levels are less than those outdoors. If you have a mold problem, it can be taken care of by getting rid of the mold and correcting the conditions that allowed that mold to become a problem; that is, eliminating the source of moisture that’s supporting the mold growth. There are several companies that specialize in getting rid of mold and the better ones will also address the moisture concerns. These are called mold remediation companies.

Mold Remediation

Mold Remediation and Restoration

Mold can produce allergens and irritants and has the potential to cause other health effects. Mold can spread quickly through your Lubbock home or business in as little as 48 hours. If you suspect that your home or business has a mold problem, we can inspect and assess your property. If mold is found, we have the training, equipment, and expertise to remediate your mold infestation.

Understanding Mold

Some restoration companies advertise “mold removal” and may even guarantee to remove all mold. This is a fallacy because removing all mold from a house or business is impossible; microscopic mold spores exist almost everywhere, both indoors and outdoors

Here are the facts:

Mold is present almost everywhere, indoors and outdoors.

Mold spores are microscopic and float along in the air and may enter your home through windows, doors, or AC/heating systems or even hitch a ride indoors on your clothing or a pet.

Mold spores thrive on moisture. Mold spores can quickly grow into colonies when exposed to water. These colonies may produce allergens and irritants.

Before mold remediation can begin, any sources of water or moisture must be addressed. Otherwise, the mold may return.

Mold often produces a strong, musty odor and can lead you to possible mold problem areas.

Even higher-than-normal indoor humidity can support mold growth. Keep indoor humidity below 45 percent.

Faster to Any Size Disaster

Mold spreads quickly, so a minor mold infestation can quickly escalate into a major problem. We’re dedicated to responding immediately when you contact us. A fast response lessens the damage, limits further damage, and reduces cost.

We’re Highly Trained Mold Remediation Specialists

We specialize in water and mold damage restoration, the cornerstone of our business. We have the training and expertise to safely handle any mold situation.

Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist

Water Damage Restoration Technician

Applied Structural Drying Technician

Did a home inspection turn up a “mold-like substance”?

Mold can cause symptoms like: headaches, allergies, nosebleeds and asthma. If you have unexplained illnesses and allergies and your home has had moisture problems in the past (roof leaks, plumbing leaks, excess humidity, wet carpeting), you could have a mold problem.

A Mold Inspection includes a comprehensive mold inspection, air quality testing analyzed by an independent laboratory, and a written report with an action plan and cleaning tips.

Mold Inspection Process

Are you concerned you may have mold in your home, office, or other structure? If you are worried concerning the existence of mold, or if a house assessor or other service provider has actually located mold in a structure

Visual Mold Inspection Procedure

The initial step in determining a potential mold and mildew issue is the visual inspection. Throughout this stage, we will be seeking three points: evidence of moisture leak or breach, direct proof of mold growth, and locations with a potential for mold and mildew invasion. A visual assessment will cover the interior living space, crawl, basement and also attic area or cellar. The outside of the dwelling will likewise be checked out for evidence of water harm or ecological or architectural factors that could result in moisture invasion into the house.

Surface Sampling Mold Testing

Surface area sampling is used to determine a mold kind at a certain suspect area. This strategy is also valuable in eliminating mold and mildew in areas where there is discolor ation or otherwise show mold and mildew like conditions. For this sampling method a clear tape or swab example will gather data. Product accumulated on the tape or swab will certainly be evaluated with a fungi display or culture.

Do I Need a Mold Inspection?

Mold is one of those sneaky perpetrators that are often very successful in going unnoticed. Although mold is everywhere, and many times it may be harmless, certain types of mold can be very harmful to your health, and it is important to know what signs you should look for throughout your home to ensure there is not a dangerous mold infestation

Inspector Explains.

For all of human history, we have relied on our senses to warn us of danger, and keep us safe. In our modern day world, this still proves to be true. The first step in identifying a mold problem is generally a moldy smell. Never ignore mold odors, even if you can’t see any mold. It is important to thoroughly inspect your home before any existing mold problems get worse. A mold inspection and mold test can reveal whether there is an elevated mold level, and where it is located in your house. Although most of the time you won’t see the existing mold, your body’s symptoms my reveal you have a problem. Many cases have happened in which a patient has a health issue that they do not know the cause of but seems to be related to mold symptoms (headaches, coughing, sneezing, etc). This will often be associated with being in a certain room

On the other hand, if visible mold growth is present, sampling is unnecessary, and you just need to get it cleaned by a mold professional. However, surface sampling may be useful to determine if an area has been adequately cleaned or remediated after a mold problem has been inspected and fixed. In any case, sampling for mold should be conducted by professionals who have experience in sampling methods and interpreting any results.

Water problems have resulted in mold growth in a specific area, but that doesn’t mean you need a mold inspection. If, for example, a roof leak has resulted in moldy ceiling tiles, then fixing the roof leak and replacing the ceiling tiles may be all that is necessary. Often times, the solution is as simple as that. However, you should also consider testing for mold when there have been plumbing leaks or water issues and there is a suspicion that elevated mold may exist in the air and/or behind walls.

If your house has previously been affected by mold, it may be wise to verify that all sources of moisture have been successfully stopped and that no residual mold growth has been left after a known water and mold problem has been fixed. On this note, if you are planning on renting or purchasing a new home, it is important to get a mold inspection to confirm that there is not an existing moisture or mold problem.

Mold Remediation & Removal Services

Regardless of the cause, water damage has the potential to become a major mold situation if left unaddressed. In fact, it only takes 48-72 hours for bacteria to start to grow and mold to form As mold grows, it produces a musty odor. When these mold spores are released into the air, it can be problematic to individuals with compromised immune systems.

Mold Remediation Services

A mold infestation can create a dangerous environment that most homeowners and business owners do not know how to manage. possess the specialized equipment necessary for mold removal and structure restoration. Our teams are experienced professionals.

Analyze & Evaluate the Situation

The cleanup process begins with assessing the areas where mold is growing. Our teams employ moisture-detection tools and infrared cameras to locate cavities and hidden areas where mold, moisture, and water is present but can’t be seen.

Seal Off Rooms with Mold

Mold spreads, so our teams quickly create barriers – typically using plastic sheeting – in order to isolate areas containing mold growth. These barriers prevent mold spores from migrating to unaffected areas and starting new colonies.

Water Extraction and Water Removal

It’s important to remove all moisture and water from a home or building with mold infestation. Moisture and water create an environment that promotes mold growth, so the sooner a structure is dried out, the better.

Hiring A Mold Remediation Company Versus DIY Anti-Mold Action


Mold in Garage: Treating and Preventing

Mold thrives in damp, dark environments and can grow anywhere, both outside and indoors. Mold finds its way in through open doors, windows and HVAC systems. Mold spores even stick to and enter the home on shoes, clothing, family pets, and kids’ backpacks. That’s why your garage is particularly vulnerable to mold, especially when it’s attached to the home and used as a main entrance. Mold in the garage is not uncommon. Fortunately, it can be removed, and you have the power to prevent it from developing in the future.

Why Does Mold Grow in the Garage?

Unlike the interior of your home, garages are fully exposed to the elements every time the garage door is opened and, sometimes, even when it’s closed. The garage door rarely has a tight seal between its edge and the floor, which makes it especially easy for water to get in. You may find pools of water inside your garage after a heavy rain or snow. Similarly, wet or snow-covered shoes and tires from bikes or cars left in the garage can add additional moisture. Do you wash your car in the garage? The average garage can see a lot of water. Think about the items you keep in your garage. Mold loves to grow on cardboard and other paper products as well as on wood, drywall, fabric, walls, ceiling tiles and even concrete, especially when painted. A garage with poor drainage, poor ventilation and little natural light is a haven for mold growth.

How to Get Rid of Mold in Garage Spaces

Mold needs to be scrubbed thoroughly, and spores need to be contained as you go. To keep mold spores from spreading while you clean, first spray the affected area with warm water. Next, spray the mold with bleach or a commercial cleaner designed to neutralize and lift mold spores. Distilled white vinegar or hydrogen peroxide are both options, but they should never be mixed together. Once you’ve applied the cleaner and briefly let it sit, scrub the area with a stiff-bristle brush. Rinse the area with water and repeat the process if any mold remains.

If tackling mold clean up on your own, it’s important to take certain safety precautions. When working with any type of chemical cleaning product, especially bleach, only work in a well-ventilated space and wear protective gear including gloves, glasses and a mask.

Who Can Help With Garage Mold Removal

If you see mold growing in your garage, consider calling a licensed mold tester to analyze the scope of the problem. The tester will fully inspect your mold situation and alert you to any mold in areas you can’t see easily, like the crawl space or other areas of the home. If mold is found beyond your garage, we recommend calling a professional team of mold remediation experts. Even if the mold is contained to your garage, a large amount may be better handled by professionals who can carefully and completely remove all traces of mold.

Mould – What it is and what to do about it

Mold has received considerable media attention recently, as though this were a new problem. While it’s true that mold in homes can be a problem, this is nothing new, and probably not news. However, since there is an increased level of awareness and concern, let’s look at the issue from a common sense perspective.

What is it?

Mold is a common term for a large family of fungi that have a cottony or woolly appearance. There are nearly a million species of mold. Mold is a naturally occurring organism that has been around far longer than us. Mold grows in buildings where there is moisture, air, a food source, and whenever the temperature is between 40 and 140 degrees F.

Mold plays a key role

We can’t eliminate mold, but this is a good thing because we need mold to break down animal and vegetable matter. Mold plays a key role in the food chain. When we say things are rotting or decaying, we are referring to mold at work. If there were no mold, there would be no rot – and we’d all be buried under all the leaves and trees that ever fell down but never decayed.

Mold spores are everywhere

People sometimes tell us that they don’t have mold in their home. We ask what happens if they leave bread in a drawer for a month or don’t take out the garbage for two weeks. This helps them understand that no matter how clean they keep their home, mold spores are always there ready to grow on any favorable host. There are always mold spores in the air and there is always some mold in buildings, so the objective of a “mold-free home” is not realistic.

How dangerous is mold?

Since it is normal for mold to be present in air and in buildings, its mere existence is not necessarily a reason for alarm. But if mold is present in indoor air at levels higher than would be found in outdoor air, or if a significant mold colony is growing on building surfaces, it could be a cause for concern.

Facts about Mold

You have certainly seen ugly mold patches in the corners of the basement. You have probably felt musty odor in the bathroom and found mold on the shower curtains. You may have heard that mold is harmful and can cause various health problems. You surely know that it thrives in humid environments and spreads very quickly and easily. But do you know that mold needs less than 48 hours to begin growing? Or that dead mold spores are just as harmful as live ones? Or that modern-day building practices actually promote mold growth?

Mold Requires Moisture and Organic Food to Grow

Mold is a kind of fungi that reproduces by making tiny spores which can survive extremely harsh weather conditions and spread easily over large areas. Mold spores exist everywhere in the outdoor environment and can get indoors thorough open doors, windows, air ducts, vents, etc. or even attached to clothes, shoes, and bags. Once the mold spores get into your home, they will wait for the right conditions to start developing.

There are over 10,000 species of mold but only 5 of them are commonly found indoors

Most household molds belong to one of the following five types:

Alternaria mold is usually found in buildings that have suffered some kind of water damage. It can appear black, grey, or dark brown and has a wooly or down-like texture.

Aspergillus is the most common type of household mold, especially in warmer climates. It can be grey, brown, yellow, green, white, or black in color. Aspergillus mold causes not only allergic reactions, but also respiratory infections and inflammation of the lungs in people with weak immune systems;

Cladosporium can grow in lower temperatures than other kinds of mold. It has a characteristic black or olive-green color and may trigger hay fever and asthma symptoms;

Penicillium is usually found on carpeting, wallpaper, and insulation. It looks blue or green and produces strong musty odor;

Stachybotrys chartarum, also known as “black mold”, produces toxic compounds called mycotoxins that can cause severe health problems, such as respiratory problems, asthma attacks, chronic sinus infections, fatigue, and depression. The toxic black mold has a characteristic musty odor and appears only on surfaces that have been in prolonged contact with water.

Mold develops very quickly but often remains hidden for a long time

When all the right conditions are present – moisture, ample food, and a temperature of 41 degrees to 100 degrees Fahrenheit, mold will begin growing within 24 to 48 hours. However, it can often remain hidden until the spores have already affected large areas of your property and caused considerable structural damage. This is so because mold usually starts growing in very inconspicuous areas of the house – inside walls, behind leaky appliances, within insulation, throughout the HVAC system, in crawl spaces, and in other damp, dark places (mold doesn’t need light to grow, which is why it is often found in poorly lit areas of the home).

Mold growth is a sign of water damage

Unless you have experienced a recent flood or sewer backup, you may have no reason to suspect water damage to your home. The presence of mold, however, should alert you of a hidden problem (as already mentioned, mold spores cannot develop unless there is some source of excessive moisture). Therefore, if you detect a musty smell in the basement or attic, or see mold patches on the ceilings or walls of your home, you need to carefully inspect your property and find the source of the moisture – it may be a leaky pipe, or a leaky roof, or a malfunctioning appliance, or even poor insulation that results in too much condensation. In the best case scenario mold may be caused by inadequate air exchange and high indoor humidity levels resulting from water evaporating from home plants or drying clothes, or steam from the kitchen or bathroom.

Mold Remediation

Mold Detection and Removal Services

One of the worst contaminants known is the silent but dangerous growth of mold. Mold can grow indoors on wet or damp surfaces, such as wallpaper, ceiling tiles, carpets, insulation material, wood and drywall. It can start to grow within 48 hours and if left unchecked, can have serious impacts on both your quality of life and your home’s physical structure. If you see signs of mold or suspect that it has infected your home, we’re here to help remediate the problem and prevent long-term damage.

Molds require an organic food source. One common source is cellulose, which is found in building materials such as drywall.

Molds require oxygen, so they do not grow under water.

Molds require a constant supply of water. To prevent mold, buildings must be kept dry.

Molds are spread by tiny particles called “spores.” A spore can be compared to a seed.

Don’t let your health and home be ruined by mold

Mold is present everywhere in nature, but when it finds its way into your home, it can be a major problem. use infrared technology as part of the mold detection process and special chemicals to help remediate the mold and protect your home

Where does mold come from?

Molds thrive in moist environments created by a flood, slow leak, broken pipe or just high humidity. Without water mold, cannot grow. Mold also needs a food source, oxygen and a temperature between 40 degrees and 100 degrees F.

How does mold spread?

For molds to grow and reproduce, they only need an organic food source, such as cellulose, which is found in building materials such as wood and drywall.

Understanding the dangers of mold

From The Ordinary

Fungi and mold naturally occur in our environment, and they produce some very useful results. For example, yeast is a type of fungi used in preparing breads and other food products. Blue cheese’s unique flavor is attributed to mold, and life-saving penicillin is a product of mold.

To The Unhealthy

Even though some forms of mold can add value to our lives, other forms can be harmful. Excessive amounts of mold, different types of mold and extended exposure to molds may present healthy concerns for one people.

Any water intrusion into your office or your home can result in mold growth. This intrusion of water can result from storm damage, plumbing or equipment filters, long-standing leaks, and poor humidity control. When these issues are not addressed, the resulting damage can present increased risk of harmful mold growth.

Some amount of mold spores are normally present in most environments, but if the humidity and moisture levels in water-damaged environment are not promptly returned to normal, mold spores may grow and multiple to a harmful level.

Organic materials found inside a building, such as wood, paper, drywall and insulation, provide food sources for mold to flourish. Excessive mold growth can lead to indoor environmental conditions that may pose a health threat